What Umdloti Smart Village is all about.

In short, we aspire to creating the equivalent of a walled Estate model to manage our beautiful Village. Funded, permanent staff will be tasked with looking after our well-being and the preservation of the charm and security that at is Umdloti.

The intention of the Umdloti Smart Village subscription model is to deliver a cost saving to its members over the life of the project. The total security expenditure of Umdloti homes, businesses and body corporates is staggering. NPC intends to demonstrate the value of establishing economies of scale and the effectiveness of a single precinct security strategy.



  • A sustainable, financially strong entity to manage the Village.

  • A formally run civie association to represent members.

  • Umdloti Village control room to monitor home alarms, surveillance cameras and by law compliance.

  • 2 dedicated, branded vehicles with armed officers permanently located in precinct.

  • Full-time patrol officers in key locations.

  • 2 vehicle license plate cameras.

  • Up to 20 monitored CCTV cameras in the Village.

  • Smart phone panic button for members.

  • Smart Village Fibre for members when numbers allow.



Some call it the broken window theory, others common sense. A well kept, continually uplifted area is good for property prices and directly aids in crime prevention. While crime prevention will always take priority, staff employed by Smart Village will also act as precinct monitors. Part of their daily function will be to report back on issues and concerns relating to the aesthetics and general running of the Smart Village.

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Dedicated Control Room

The Smart Village nerve center is a state of the art facility that offers power and date backup along with modern control room design and infrastructure.

From the control room trained the staff monitor the CCTV and vehicle license plate cameras in the Village and communicate directly with the patrol vehicles & security staff on the precinct.

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Dedicated vehicles

Visible policing, consistent response times and local knowledge of the staff are critical success factors in crime prevention.

Our branded, dedicated Smart Village vehicle responds to house alarms and feedback from the Control Room.

Full Technology Rollout

While there are no silver bullets in the fight against crime, technology offers a significant advantage when implemented correctly.

Umdloti Smart Village uses vehicle license plate recognition cameras on the main entrance and arterial roads. These are linked to a real-time database of stolen and suspicious vehicles. If one is picked up it will alert in the Control Room.

In addition we have CCTV cameras along the in-land boundary line at high risk areas and at select locations along the main roads. This allows the Control Room staff to proactively monitor the area and report issues to the in-field teams.




Communication is key. Smart Village members are united via social media and regular newsletters.

Members can communicate with the management team and the Control Room when necessary.

Vehicle license plate camera locations

Location on the M27, South Beach Road and Bellamont Road

Location on the M27, South Beach Road and Bellamont Road

Location North Beach Road

Location North Beach Road

Proposed Locations for monitored CCTV points

Note that the final locations may change based on availability of mains power and fibre connections

South Beach proposed locations

South Beach proposed locations

Bellamont and North-North Beach Road proposed locations.

Bellamont and North-North Beach Road proposed locations.