Emergency Meeting April 2022

A Message from the Manco

Umdloti Village NGC Strategy March 2021

Umdloti Village NGC Strategy March 2021

Annual General Meeting 2021

Annual General Meeting 2021

AFS FYE February 2021

AFS FYE February 2021

Membership Contracts 2022

HOMEOWNERS Contract as at July 2022

Membership Contracts 2022

BODY CORPORATE Contract July 2022

Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI)

The MOI is an important document that defines the mandate of Umdloti Village NPC and the methods that they can employ to run the NPC.

The MOI is in place to give confidence to members that the company has the necessary controls and recourse options in place for its members.

Notice of AGM 2020

Notice of AGM 2020

Smart Village Budget 2020

As at end October 2020

Annual Financial Statements for 2020

Umdloti Improvement Project NPC AFS

AGM Presentation 2020

View Planned Phases of the project, street updates to the existing sign ups and membership donor analysis.

2020 Budget Breakdown

This shows the income and expenditure allocation for the first year of operation of the Umdloti Village NPC.

NPC Organogram

The organigram shows the structure and layout of the Umdloti Village NPC

Umdloti Village NPC Mission Statement Nov 2020

Umdloti Village NPC Mission Statement Nov 2020